Why It Pays To Run Google Search Ads Yourself
Google Search Ads Work Because
91% of people use Google Search.
People see your ad when they’re looking for your product.
You only run ads when people put specific words that you know your customers put into Google Search, so you don’t waste money running ads to non-buyers.
You only pay Google when someone clicks on your ad and goes to your website.
Ad Agencies Don’t Know Your Customers Like You Do
They run expensive ads to non-buyers.
The more you pay Google each month
The more money ad agencies make.
You write great ads because you know what your customers want.
It’s easier to write ads yourself, than to explain your business to an ad agency.
The Google Search Ads Guide
Shows how to set up ads that make you money.
You take advantage of your own business knowledge.
And precise Google data to target customers.
Friendly 1-on-1 Coaching Makes It Easy
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