Google Search Ads > A Conflict of Interest
Google has a conflict of interest
Google makes less money if they make it easy for advertisers to lower costs using the precise targeting data available in the basic Google Search Ads program that revolutionized advertising 20 years ago.
Today, Google Search is the only Internet advertising that lets you precisely control who sees your ad, the ad they see and how much you pay per click – so you don’t waste money.
However, Google hides these cost-effective settings in submenus, and instead, promotes settings that make Google more money.
Fortunately, you’ll always be able to take advantage of precise Google data to target customers, because it’s built into the Dutch Auction core of the Google Search Ads software program – My Google Search Ads Guide shows how to find these features.
This month, Google emailed me repeated requests to spend more money with more Keywords, higher Cost Per Click and increasing Daily Budget. One email asked me to allow Google to automatically change my ads anytime they want.
Don’t let Google take control of your Google ads!
In the last 2 years, Google increased the average Cost Per Click by 4X by convincing advertisers to select options that make Google record profits, but waste advertisers’ money.
Google doesn’t know your business better than you do.
The Google Ads program now hides cost-effective settings that make you money in submenus.
Google started experimenting on Random Google Advertisers with ideas for a new 2024 user interface
The opening menu will be radically changed to promote running ads on other Google businesses like YouTube, Display Ads and others that don’t allow precise targeting like Google Search.
However, the new interface will continue to have the same Search Campaign Settings that you see in the Google Search Ads Guide today with minor changes.
If the opening overview menu of your Google Ads program looks weird
Click on the APPEARANCE icon at the top of the page
To change back to the old interface.
I’ll update the Google Search Ads Guide with the new Opening Screen of the new 2024 interface, when Google introduces the final version early next year.
For more information