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Start A New Google Search Campaign

You only need to complete this sequence once, when you first start up a new Campaign.

  • It’s complicated, confusing and mostly irrelevant to your Google Search Ads - Just grind it out and realize that you’ll change a few things after you complete this required sequence.

  • Life gets much easier after you click PUBLISH CAMPAIGN and start creating Google Search ads.

Why Is Starting a New Google Search Ads Campaign So Complicated?

Google offers many types of ads in addition to Google Search Ads

When you start a new Campaign, the Google Ads program doesn’t know which type of ads you want to run, so this start up sequence requires complicated information that has nothing to do with Google Search Ads.

  • The Google Ads program promotes these other types of ads, because they make Google higher profit than Search Ads, such as Display Ads running on websites all over the Internet, Product Ads, websites that use Google search inside their website, Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, SMART Ads, Performance MAX Ads — these ads cost you more because they don’t target ads or give you cost controls

  • Google Search Ads only run when people put keywords into the Google Search box.

  • Google hides cost-effective Search Ad Campaign settings behind layers of sub-menus.

  • Google wants to take control your ads to make more money at your expense.


  • Saves time, money and frustration. You’ll be glad you did.

  • It’s easy to run more ads after you know how.

Special Deal Helps You Get Started

30 Minutes Added FREE To a One-Hour Coaching Session

  • When you sign up for a One-Year Membership.

  • When you refer a new customer who signs up for a Membership.

Why This Method Runs Cost-Effective Ads

  • Every ad you run shows people the same words they just put into Google Search and why your product or service is better than competitors for those specific words — when your MAX Cost Per Click bid is high enough to beat competitors for one of the seven ad positions on the Google Search page.

  • Essentially, every Ad Group is it’s own “business” and you can see all your businesses on the same Ad Groups page in this single Search Campaign. Precise Google data for the last 30 days shows how to adjust bids scientifically to make the most money.

  • Why This Method Saves Time

  • It only takes 30 minutes a month to manage all Google Search Ads costs in a single Search Campaign on the single Ad Groups page to keep up with changes in competition bidding and your “businesses” conditions.

Follow This Guide Step-by-Step

as you move forward in the Google Ads program

  • Grind forward - Ignore optional “fix it” warnings - These can be annoying, but Google won’t let you run ads until you click PUBLISH CAMPAIGN. After this, you’ll have started your Google Search Campaign.

  • You won’t have to do this Start New Campaign sequence again after you PUBLISH CAMPAIGN.

Google forces you select a goal to continue

  • Select Clicks, but it really doesn’t matter, because you need to change Campaign Settings Bidding=Manual CPC (Cost Per Click) after you publish this first version of this Search Campaign. Google doesn’t give you that option in this New Campaign sequence (shame on you, Google.)

  • You can’t make money, if you don’t control your MAX Cost Per Click.

Again, Google tries to steal control of your MAX Cost Per Click — Don’t let them!

This Campaign name makes it easy to know where you are inside the Google Ads program.

You can’t make money, if you don’t control the Cost Per Click for your ads.

Your Rich Bruns Search Ads Campaign only runs ads to people who put your carefully chosen words into the Google Search box

  • When they’re actively looking for your specific product — so you don’t waste money running ads to non-buyers.

  • Your ad shows them your business advantages over competitors for those specific search words.

  • Other types of Google advertising don’t target your customers precisely, so you waste money running ads to non-buyers.

Google Search Partners are websites with random topics that only use the Google Search app for people to find information on their own website — you’ll waste money running ads to people who merely visited those websites.

Google Display Ads run on websites with random topics that make money running Google ads - not precise targeting.

1 Click Enter another location // 2 Enter a location // 3 Click Target or Exclude. The new Location will appear on the Location List. I highly recommend Zip Codes for best precision (Realtors are not allowed, because of “red lining” discrimination).

Click Advanced search to see map.

Don’t waste most of your budget on “people who’ve shown interest in your targeted locations” — many were only interested in your location at sometime in the past, not actively interested in buying your product or service now.

You only want to show ads to people who use an Internet browser that searches in English.

Don’t let Google run ads for Broad Match Keywords that Google chooses

  • Only run ads to people who put your carefully chosen Keywords into Google Search.

  • So you don’t waste money running ads to non-buyers on words that Google chooses.

Control how Google displays your ads on small cell phone screens

  • Every ad you run shows people the words they just put into Google Search.

  • And why your product or service is better than competitors.

  • Don’t let Google clutter up your ad with random information that distracts their attention or even hides your targeted sales pitch.

Don’t let Google Optimize which ads runs.

  • Your ads don’t run thousands of times each day like big corporate ads.

  • Google could choose the wrong ad, before both ads run at least 200 times for statistical accuracy in A/B ad tests.

Take time to set up your first ad the best you can.

  • Only run that single ad in each Ad Group to get started.

  • Spend your time creating more Ad Groups and listing Negative Keywords first.

  • If you get a low Click-Thru-Rate CTR for some of your ads after a month, go to Test Ads TASK to run precise A/B ad testing.

Ad Schedule — Your Choice

24/7 is often a good choice, unless you know otherwise.

  • Ads are cheaper during non-business hours, because fewer advertisers run ads.

  • People search during non-business hours.

  • Answering Service Message “Hello, please leave your phone number so we can call you ASAP.”

Only put one set of Keywords into each Ad Group, because ..

  • You can adjust the MAX Cost Per Click for individual Keywords.

    • How much money do you make for specific products?

    • Don’t pay Google more than you need to, based on competitive bids in the last 30 days.

    • Adjust bids monthly based on your own business conditions.

  • Every ad you run shows people the words they just put into Google Search.

  • Every ad you run shows people why your product is better than competitors for those specific words.

  • Every ad you run shows your entire sales pitch on small cell phone screens.

Why This Works

The Google Ads Program always runs an Ad in the same Ad Group that contains the Search Keywords that people put into Google Search — if the MAX Cost Per Click is high enough to beat competing advertiser bids for the seven ad positions on the Google Search page.

Final URL

This is the page that people see when they click on your ad.

  • Open this page in a separate window/pane.

  • Highlight the web address in the browser, then cut and paste into the Final URL field.

  • You have two choices for your FINAL URL.


  • Put a short text field at the top of your homepage, so people see that text immediately on their their small cell phone screens — 60% search on their cell phones today — it also takes time for large images to load.

  • In two or three short sentences, tell them why they would prefer doing business with you instead of competitors.

    • This is your BRAND, your unique relationship with your customers.

    • This competitive advantage that’s true for all your products/services on this website.

    • You might include this call to action in the text — “Call us (me) at 407 555 7000 so we can work together to find out what works best for you” — Whoever gets the customer on the phone wins for most service businesses.

  • Under this short BRAND text field on the homepage

    • Show a list of product links, one for each of your product pages — You can also include products in the main menu.

    • This broader product listing gives you credibility and shows them related products that they may also be interested in.

  • This way, your homepage URL is always your default FINAL URL when you create new Ad Groups.

  • You can continually improve your homepage text by copying your successful ad sales pitches onto that single page — That’s easier than updating multiple product pages.


  • Some customers create product landing pages that show the brand advantages, product feature advantages and a link to “Add to Shopping Cart” — This extra effort works really well for them.

  • If your landing page just shows product information

    • People won’t see your brand advantage, just product features.

    • Your ads stop working when you reorganize your website pages.

You can also send people to other websites inside this same Search Campaign.

  • Then you can manage those Ad Group bids on the same Ad Groups page.

  • All your Ad Groups in this Campaign must share the same Location Settings at any one time.

Display Path

  • Fill in the Keywords for this Ad Group.

  • Let’s people know that this ad is relevant for their search words.

Control How Google Displays Your Ad


  • Scroll over and Click the pin on Headline 1 and set to “Show only in Position 1”.

  • Scroll over and Click the pin on Headline 2 and set to “Show only in Position 2”.

  • Don’t set a pin on Headline 3 — Google doesn’t always show this Headline, but requires that you enter at least 3 Headlines.

  • Don’t add more Headlines.


  • Scroll over and click the pin on Description 1 and set to “Show only in Position 1”.

  • Don’t set a pin on Description 2 — Google doesn’t always show this Description, but requires that you enter at least 2 Descriptions.

  • Don’t add more Descriptions.

Google always shows your ads the same way.

  • People always see Headline 1, Headline 2 and Description 1 in their pinned positions.

  • People always see your entire, targeted sales pitch on their small cell phone screens.

60% of people see Google Search ads on small cell phone screens

  • Always show people Headline 1, Headline 2 and Description 1.

  • Don’t let Google clutter up your ads and distract eyes from your precisely targeted sales pitch.

You’re Almost There !!

  • Brush aside the recommendations and warnings. Only fix what you must.

  • Google won’t let you run ads until you Click PUBLISH CAMPAIGN

After you click PUBLISH CAMPAIGN, you won’t have to do this again for this new Campaign.

do this immediately!

  • Go to Rich Bruns Search Ads Campaign > Settings > Bidding

  • Set Bidding = Manual CPC

  • Click on the MENU BUTTON Campaign Settings to see instructions.

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