Search Terms
SEARCH TERMS are the actual words that people put into Google Search when Google actually ran your precisely-targeted ads.
These words are very specific to your own business, because you wrote the ads.
Search Terms show words that Google considered closely related to your carefully-chosen keywords.
actual results precisely target your own business
The Generic Google Keyword Tool is Misleading, Because ..
The Google Keyword Tool only shows Keywords used by many advertisers and therefore have a high Cost Per Click because of competitive bidding.
Shows data from generic business ads in global sales territories.
Data doesn’t comprehend details that make your business unique.
Search Terms Are Important for Two Reasons
New Ad Groups
When you see Search Terms that your desired customers put into Google Search.
Build new Ad Groups for those specific Keywords.
You know that Google runs ads for those Search Keywords.
More specific Keywords often cost less, because you have fewer competing advertisers.
Your new ads will show Headlines and Descriptions those specific words and get more clicks.
Negative Keywords
When you see Search Terms that you never want to pay for.
These bad words can waste most of your budget.
Put them on the Negative Keywords list immediately.
Look at Search Terms
Click on “Clicks” at the top of the Clicks Column
To sort by Clicks.
Clicks cost you money - focus on these important Search Terms first, as you move down the page.
The Impr. Column shows that Google ran your ad, but people may not have clicked on it.
Scroll to bottom of page to show more rows of Search Terms
Then CLICK — 500 to show more SEARCH TERMS on this page.
There may be more pages when you select a longer TIME FRAME at the top of the page.
Look for Negative Keywords Immediately
This is your top priority, especially when you start a new Campaign.
Make a list of SINGLE words to add to your Negative Keywords list.
Go to Negative Keywords